A person with MS may exhibit BEHAVIORAL CHANGES, sometimes even inappropriate behavior, such as impulsivity and social and/or sexual disinhibition.

While this may be alarming, it's important to keep in mind that this disinhibition is a reflection of a person's disease. It is believed to occur as a result of MS-related damage to the part of the brain that controls impulses.

Besides impulsivity, poor judgment, and/or disinhibition, other behavioral changes may include:

It's interesting to note, as well, that research suggests that behavioral changes can predict cognitive and functional impairment in people with MS. This makes sense—you can imagine that acting on impulses or expressing apathy may result in unemployment, relationship difficulties, and executive functioning problems.

Treatment of impulsivity and disinhibition often entails a comprehensive approach—one that may include medication, psychotherapy, and family counseling.

No doubt, living with MS is an emotional rollercoaster—from the lows of coping with sometimes unbearable symptoms to the highs of finding a medication or strategy that helps you feel and function well again.

For right now, do your best to take one day at a time, seek out support from your MS doctor and loved ones, and remain strong and steadfast in your coping abilities. In the end, having MS likely gives you a deeper sense of what is important in life.

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